About Us

About Us

A team of few, trying to impact many lives. We at Asal Arth are a combination of Engineers, MBA’s, CA’s and Doctors all agreeing to solve the same problem . The problem we are solving is the heavily theory based education system in a world where all information is accessible at the touch of a finger. Students here know of each and every concept theoretically, which they learn for marks, but in real life where they are to apply those concepts, many fail. The numerous coaching classes operating nation wide just focus on increasing those marks, but not intellect. To rectify this issue, we as a collective at ASAL ARTH are trying to establish a parallel education system which will complement the current theoretical education system. With correct combination of practicals and concept explanation we hope to better the future of millions of future students, who are currently being trained for a job, we want to train them to be leaders.

A few words about​


Started By Mr. Abhishek Singh, our team now comprises of a total of 15 highly motivated individuals, all of whom are experts in their own fields. With our most experienced COO, Mr. Jayprakash Singh with 40 years of experience in the field of mechatronics to Mr. Sumeet Khanna with 10 years in the field of Accounts and Finanace, our team is truly a collection of gems. Below are the core members of our organization, whose sweat equity is what we are banking upon to bring about this educational revolution.

Abhishek Singh

Founder – CEO

Pooja Sharma


Priya Singhania


Sameer Bhatia

Lead Developer

Jennifer Menenzes

Lead Content Creator

Rohan Shrivastava

Content Moderator

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